Well today, mom and I made a trip up to Carroll to hit up the new (to us) Wal-Mart Supercenter. We had to get some food stuffs for G'ma's on Sunday, and the grocery store in Panora isn't exactly "value priced." We were ADAMANT about not going to Wal-Mart in DSM, because, being that it was the day after Thanksgiving, we just could not handle that many people breathing our air. Anyhow, we get to the Mart, and lo and behold they don't have it. WTH?! WM is supposed to be a one-stop shop and BAM! They don't have the one item I need. F'ery. Luckily, the K-Mart in Carroll does have Catch Phrase, so I scoop it up and we're on our way home. Jerry calls right around the time we hit Bayard to make some dinner plans, so we get home and head out for some dinner. Lindsey's dear friend Brandi happened to be our server, and, needless to say, she recieved a large tip (100% of the bill to be exact). Thanks Bran!
We get home after dinner, and find that Lindsey will be abandoning the family (as she does only on days that end in "-day") so my night is officially shattered. You see, Catch Phrase requires two teams of at least two players each. Seeing as Cade can't read, I'm flying solo. F. New plan. Let's bake sugar cookies and decorate them! YES. If there's anything as good as my original Plan A, it's baked items. We get to gettin' and within only a half hour, we have a couple dozen cookies baked in assorted Christmas-y shapes. Cade and I spearhead the decorating team (duh) and Mom and Jerry join in soon after. We had a blast :)

So no rolling pin? No problem! A tube of frozen
93/7 works just fine :)

Our finished products! So they aren't all Christmas colors... so what?
1 comment:
YUM, your mom better bring me a couple on Monday, just sayin!!
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