
So I lied...

You may have noticed that I did not have a post yesterday like I alluded to on Sunday. Oops - my bad. Well, it may be a day late but it's here, so get off my back.

I had my first day of big boy college yesterday when I officially started at Iowa State University of Science and Technology (the full name makes it sound so classy and FANCY). I had to be up at 7:15 (sick, I know) to primp and look hot because, hey, this could be the day I meet Mr. Right, right? (Editor's note - it wasn't. I did get hit on by a girl on the bus though. Damn.) I scraped off my car (for the third day in a row, might I add) and drove to the commuter parking lot at Iowa State Center and caught the #23 Orange bus to take me on to campus. After a couple stops, I exited at Beardshear Hall and from there was only a stone's throw from Carver Hall - home of my MATH 105 class. This class had me mildly stressed out as math=nothing good. However, there is no midterm, no comprehensive final exam, and the teacher is awesome. Good news here is that he says most people who are really good at number crunching and things of the like have trouble in the class, while people with a basic working knowledge or less (i.e., ME) seem to do better. Thank GOD.

After math, I make the trek across campus to Hoover Hall, braving snow, wind, and cold, to get to my ECON 101 class. This bitch was awestruck. 480+ people packed into an auditorium that reminded me of the freaking Civic Center! I mean H-U-G-E! This class has me pretty well worried - I don't know how I'm feeling about all this nonsense. Seems like a challenge that I may or may not be up to. The jury's still out so I'll keep you posted.

Finally, we hit the snag in the day. Now, this was a snag that I was prepared for fully from the get-go. My third class is ENGL 225, which is located in Food Sciences 2311 (because, let's face it, if you had to pick an ideal location for an English course, you'd pick the f*cking Food Sciences Building). Anyhow, this is clear on the opposite side of campus. Even with getting out of ECON 7 minutes early, I was still 5 minutes late to class. Great. And this class only had 30 students in it, so everyone got to see the NOOB (moi) walk in late. To top it off, there weren't anymore seats. The teacher had to give me her chair. Nice, Christopher. Way to not draw attention to yourself.

After that class I beelined for the #23 Orange Circulator again to get back to my car. This time, the bus was filled and it was standing room only. Wouldn't have been the worse thing, except I was between two people that I am convinced have never heard of deodorant. Once they started speaking I understood why. One word for you - FRENCH. You can imagine. I got back to my car and got home in time to boil some lima beans for lunch, throw them in a Gladware with a pound of Country Crock and a dash of salt and pepper, and take them to-go to work. Worked till close, came home, and BOOM! Hit my wall. I was down for the count.

Now we come to the present. Slow ass day in the banking world, so I left work at 2:30 (supposed to get off at 4:00). Making a super pot of chili for supper (YUM) and working on homework! CHYEAH!

The joys of being a student. An employed student.



Unknown said...

You are too funny and have a great way of looking at things in general and I love so much that about you...lima beans suck and no matter how much butter or anything else you can never make them taste good enough to eat...my opinion...and it counts buster! Hope you have a great time at Iowa State (Go Cyclones!-woop-woop!) Don't worry about economics class is will suck no matter how many students cram in there...B.O. is gross on so many levels! That bus ride home had to truly suck and not in a good way :)~

Lesa said...

Sounds like fun...I hope the days to come are better. You still rule even if you did get hit on by a girl :) Kisses.


Jodi (Landals) Landry said...

So proud of my big boy student!! :) Thanks for lunching with me...love you bear!