
My Best Friend :)

So, since it's 12:39a, my roommate/best friend has officially been 21 for 39 minutes! Her and by very good friend Angela are out on Welch Ave. at the bars having some fun. I, being a little over six months shy of the big 2-1 (thanks, mom...) am sitting at home blogging about it. Neat.

Anyway, I hope that she has an amazing time. We've been friends for about six years now (the time has flown) and even though we've had our share of disagreements and tiffs thrown in there, we're closer than ever. I'm so lucky to have someone as kind, compassionate, honest (sometimes it's good ;) ), and wonderful as she.

Love you roomie!!!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Your time will come.... tell her Happy Birthday for me! Muah XXOOXX