Tomorrow at 10:51am, I will officially be on Spring Break! But... then I work at 3, and all weekend. Boo.
BUT THEN!! I leave for Seattle (with my 18-year old baby sister) on Monday at 12:30p! I am so excited. It's been a lifelong dream to see Seattle, and I'm finally getting my chance, thanks to a larger than expected student loan refund, cheap airfare out of DSM, and a steal on a classy hotel in the heart of downtown Seattle. The stars were aligned in my favor :)
Hmmm... things are pretty good on my end... Nothing really changes here, if its MWF, I'm in class and then probably working, and if it's a T or Th, I'm probably just working. Weekends rotate.
Last weekend I spent in Cedar Rapids/Iowa City with my girls Amber and Jen (or Jenny from the Block as she is affectionately known as). Photos are attached below for your viewing pleasure. It was a good time and sooooo long overdue. It's fun to go out in IC and more importantly, it's fun to go out with them no matter what. They also persuaded me to try sushi for the first time! The jury's still out on that one... the particular roll I tried made me want to vomit up everything I've eaten since 2001, but I'm told that the restaurant we went to was a poor one for a first-timer. To be fair, it took like 2 hours to get our food and our waitress had the IQ of a dead armadillo I saw once in Oklahoma. I think I'll give it a second chance. Maybe ;)
I got some new glasses (which were LONG overdue) and I'm totally loving on them. I bought them because they really fit my face nicely and frame it well, oh, and they happen to be Armani, but I think of that more as a special perk. I probably would have bought them regardless of the name on them... probably.
I was getting ready for work on Monday and a straightener exploded on my bathroom counter. Cool, right? It was pretty intense, not gonna lie... It made this horrible popping sound and then I look over to see a shower of sparks flying out from it and wisps of black smoke (from the melting cord) coming off of it... then one final POP and a big shot of sparks and that was all she wrote - tripped the breaker for both bathrooms, and I had to go to work with unstraightened hair. Not to mention the hideous black and copper burn mark on my counter that won't come off the counter, but WILL come out of my deposit. And then... just to add insult to injury, my f*cking shower curtain rod decides to go atumblin down while I'm in the shower... neat, I know. The bathroom rebelled against me that day, and it won.
That's all I really have for now... I will of course be updating when I get back from Seattle.
Enjoy the weekend :)
BUT THEN!! I leave for Seattle (with my 18-year old baby sister) on Monday at 12:30p! I am so excited. It's been a lifelong dream to see Seattle, and I'm finally getting my chance, thanks to a larger than expected student loan refund, cheap airfare out of DSM, and a steal on a classy hotel in the heart of downtown Seattle. The stars were aligned in my favor :)
Hmmm... things are pretty good on my end... Nothing really changes here, if its MWF, I'm in class and then probably working, and if it's a T or Th, I'm probably just working. Weekends rotate.
Last weekend I spent in Cedar Rapids/Iowa City with my girls Amber and Jen (or Jenny from the Block as she is affectionately known as). Photos are attached below for your viewing pleasure. It was a good time and sooooo long overdue. It's fun to go out in IC and more importantly, it's fun to go out with them no matter what. They also persuaded me to try sushi for the first time! The jury's still out on that one... the particular roll I tried made me want to vomit up everything I've eaten since 2001, but I'm told that the restaurant we went to was a poor one for a first-timer. To be fair, it took like 2 hours to get our food and our waitress had the IQ of a dead armadillo I saw once in Oklahoma. I think I'll give it a second chance. Maybe ;)
I got some new glasses (which were LONG overdue) and I'm totally loving on them. I bought them because they really fit my face nicely and frame it well, oh, and they happen to be Armani, but I think of that more as a special perk. I probably would have bought them regardless of the name on them... probably.
I was getting ready for work on Monday and a straightener exploded on my bathroom counter. Cool, right? It was pretty intense, not gonna lie... It made this horrible popping sound and then I look over to see a shower of sparks flying out from it and wisps of black smoke (from the melting cord) coming off of it... then one final POP and a big shot of sparks and that was all she wrote - tripped the breaker for both bathrooms, and I had to go to work with unstraightened hair. Not to mention the hideous black and copper burn mark on my counter that won't come off the counter, but WILL come out of my deposit. And then... just to add insult to injury, my f*cking shower curtain rod decides to go atumblin down while I'm in the shower... neat, I know. The bathroom rebelled against me that day, and it won.
That's all I really have for now... I will of course be updating when I get back from Seattle.
Enjoy the weekend :)
Me and my muffin... aka Clarice... aka Amber :)

A nice one of the three of us :)

The first sushi... I'm just hoping for better luck next time!
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